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       Firstly,  let me say that RemoteAccess was very much a  team
       effort.  I  had  been running my bulletin board for about  a
       year,  it was getting pretty busy so I put on a second line.
       The  software I was using was QuickBBS,  so I did a heap  of
       work trying to get it running both lines.  For the most part
       it worked,  but it was very clumsy. I was complaining to Bob
       Fletcher,  a sysop in Victoria, about it one night, and  Bob
       said  something  like "Well,  YOU could always have a go  at
       something better!" So the basic concept was born.  An  "all-
       singing,  all-dancing"  BBS package that would run  multiple
       lines  and  occupy as little memory as possible.  "Piece  of
       cake!" I thought.  In my spare time I started playing around
       with a couple of file-displaying utilities written in  Turbo
       Pascal  5  (which  I had just bought,  and  was  anxious  to

       Enter  Phil.  Someone mentioned that "some bloke called Phil
       Mackay" was writing a toolbox of routines to manipulate  the
       QuickBBS  message and user database files so I dropped him a
       message.  Phil was immediately taken by the idea and sent me
       the source to what he had written.  I was impressed.  As  it
       happened,  Bob was in Perth at this time and during a couple
       of  brainstorming  sessions helped to refine what I  already
       had (which wasn't much).

       Gradually I started to spend more and more of my spare  time
       working  on  it,  and I started to realise the scale of  the
       project (which still kinda frightens me).  I realised  there
       was no way I could do it all myself,  so I enlisted the help
       of  one or two other people to write utilities,  and "farmed
       out" a fair bit of coding to Phil.  All the following people
       deserve recognition for their contributions:

       Phil  Mackay - all the high and low-level  message  database
       routines,   the  menu  editor  and  an  infinite  number  of
       suggestions,  not  to  mention  invaluable  advice  on  many

       David  Nugent - Wrote the message-base  maintenance  utility
       "RAMSG",  was  ALWAYS ready to provide answers to  any  low-
       level  communications  problem,  and wrote the  multitasker-
       aware code.
       Adam  Blake  - Did the configuration utility "RACONFIG"  and
       changed  it  twice a day when I made more mods to  the  main
       program, uncomplainingly. (Well, almost).

       The  beta  test team - thanks guys!  Couldn't have  done  it
       without ya.  Too numerous to list here, all the current beta
       systems   are  listed  in  the  accompanying  document   RA-

                                          Andrew Milner.
                                          Perth, Western Australia.

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